You could build a house with concentrated steel that can't be blown up that way or something. There is a block that stores the players experience for them and a disenchantment table. Some of these additions are several additional blocks that extend the original blocks in the game. There are a whole bunch of new blocks that the mod pack adds. The mod pack itself uses in-between 500 or so and 700 somethin' of 1300MB, so it is not really too resource heavy: The following changes to the profile should be changed to add the following java argument: JEI (displays recipes by pressing e or clicking on a block or item):

The link is provided here, additional changes to the modpack are able to be changed in the config file: This is a modpack with a number of mods with some changes I have made for 1.11.2 which is a file that has to be extracted inside of the "mods" folder after installing Minecraft Forge for 1.11.2 for it to work.